
Monday, June 28, 2004

I'm here, here being where I moved to since the last post since I was there, there being where I was before I get here, but alas finally, I am here.

So there.


Planned Future Updates


(sans phallic allusions)
(of course)

Monday, June 14, 2004

I'm moving on Friday. So I'm going through the stuff in my apartment packing it up and cleaning. Doing all the fun moving type stuff and I keep running across old things of my parents.

Mostly my Dad's stuff. Most of the stuff from my Mom is still in storage or being held at relatives houses for my brother and I. I just opened up a huge duffel bag full of well....junk that used to be my fathers. I haven't seen any of it in two years (as I rarely find the need for say, reading glasses or a boy scout compass). But I'm torn because I don't know if I should keep the stuff or not.

Actually, that's a lie. I know I'm going to keep the stuff. I find it almost impossible to throw out anything that used to be my parents or things they have given me. I still have, and I think I mentioned this before, a pez dispenser that my mother gave to me as a stocking stuffer probably ten or fifteen years ago.

At times like these I imagine my children going through my belongings when I'm gone and finding stuff that was my parents and wondering why their father kept all of this junk for so many years. Or maybe, when that time comes to pass they'll already know the answer to that question.


Love ya Mom and Dad.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

(matey) ..or something like that

I've had a headache for the past seven hours.

And on a side note: the last seven hours have been oh so, not so pleasant.



City of God. Long Live Rocket.

(No seriously though, I am.)

Thursday, June 10, 2004

My biggest fear is: smelling. Well not just smelling but smelling badly. Actually my biggest fear is getting eaten by a shark. Although one might say my biggest fear could be crashing in an airliner.

I guess I'll just sum it up this way, my biggest fear would be smelling in an airplane then crashing into the ocean and getting eaten by a shark.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

I threw away about three weeks worth of mail that I kept telling myself I'd get to eventually. I normally don't receive anything important so it seemed like an "ok" thing to do at the time. Now I'm wondering if I received any bills (which i probably did) and which bills they were. So now everday that I get home I play the "what got turned off because I didn't pay the bill" game.

So far I'm in the clear, actually I think i'm probably good for another month since I'm not behind on any of my bills (or wasn't until this past month) and calling the electric, water, phone, and cell company to find out how much money I owe them is just a little too much effort for me to expend right now. (read: anytime)


I just got back from San Diego, well I got back yesterday, well monday if we are going to be precise. My girlfriend ran the San Diego "Rock N Roll" Marathon and despite the stupid sounding name it was actually really cool.*

I wasn't sure when or if we'd get to see her running during the marathon and I sorta thought standing around watching 20,000 people run slowly by me for five hours would be somewhat boring. It turned out that we got to see her (and a group of other people we knew) at mile 0, 3, 9, 14 and finally the finish. It was a lot of fun cheering for the people we knew and cheering for strangers. It would appear that spectators at marathons are obliged to cheer for others. I don't know if it's a california thing or a marathon thing, this marathon being my first, but people really seem to appreciate it when you cheer for them. some of the runners put their names on their shirts so you can yell "hey julie, looking good keep it up" and more often than not julie will look at you give you a big smile and say, "thanks a lot!"

So like I said, it was fun, i'm impressed she finished a marathon (a grueling endurance event from any angle), and proud of her.

*I know it sounds trite to say "really cool" but i can't think of a better way to say it without being unduly maudlin and let's face it, nobody likes maudlin, so i'll stick with "really cool", which in fact it was.)


I have a lot more to say which is unusual but this post already has far to many words in it so I think I'll stop. Quickly though, as I'm rapidly approaching my word quota and my fingers are starting to hurt all I have to say is...

Bush Lawyers Legally(quasi, sorta, not really, what the fuck are you thinking) Absolving Blame and Condoning Torture = fucking wrong but, to coin a phrase, that's all I have to say about that.

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